Travel Resources
Below you’ll find information on booking sites for your next travel destination. These are the resources I use for my trips. Using these tools and resources I have found good prices for flights, hotels and other travel products and services.

This is my go-to flight search engine for comparing prices and finding the cheapest routes and dates. The interface is easy to use and the flexible search includes budget carriers and domestic flights. They use a rate-predictor algorithm and are good for trips with multiple destinations using more than one airline. If you are open to different destinations, you can use the flight price map to search for the cheapest places to fly around the world.
Priority Pass is the world’s largest independent airport lounge access program. As a member you get digital entry for instant access through their app to 1,300 airport lounges around the world. The subscription-based pass lets you into a lounge in nearly every airport in the world, regardless of the airline you fly or the class of ticket. In the lounges you get a complimentary food buffet, drinks and snacks, free newspapers and magazines and shower facilities. Some of the lounges have sleeping pods and free gel manicures.



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